
Use BPMN 2.0 to define your business processes

With the Workflow module, end-users can define visually their business processes using Activities, Gateways and Events. 

This module uses the excellent bpmn.js designer and is BPMN 2.0 compliant allowing you to define workflows with:

  • Events: Define the start and end of a workflow. 
  • Activities: Tasks that humans or machines have to accomplish and take some amount of time.
  • Gateways: Define decision points that determine the only path (exclusive) or multiple paths (inclusive or parallel) that will be taken in workflow in the next step.
  • Lanes: Group certain activities that are executed by the same user or roles. 
  • Pools: Group lanes in units or organizations. 

Also, the workflows allow some more advanced features like: 

  • Parallel workflows: Allowing two branches of the workflow to execute in parallel and then wait for both on a Parallel Join Gateway.
  • Call Workflow and Decomposition: Allow workflow activities to call other workflows with the same main entity, a part of it, or multiple parts in parallel.   
  • Reject: Allows end-users to reject activities and bring them back to the previous activity. 
  • Jump: Allows to define exceptional jumps to alternative activities. 
  • Script tasks: Create activities that will be  finalized by an automatic process and, in case of exception, retried using a custom retry strategy. 
  • Timeout: Define tasks that should be finalized in a certain amount of time, or will automatically jump to a defined activity. 

Also, the workflow system provides a run-time case management story including: 

  • Notifications: Users will receive custom notifications of activities waiting for their attention. Making possible to keep track of work loads and productivity by user. 
  • Inbox: A production-oriented UI to prioritize and accomplish tasks, allowing adding remarks and/or tags for easy classification or cases. 
  • Case flow: Shows directly over the workflow design the different transitions of a particular case.

The workflow system is recommended for cases where flexibility of human-heavy process is required, but it adds some level of complexity that may not be worth for some applications or processes where more control is required.

It makes a lot of sense to use this module together with Dynamic module to define the main entity that will be process through the workflow. 

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